Welcome to the Japanese Spitz Club of USA website developed by a small group of dedicated fanciers, breeders and exhibitors of this wonderful breed here in the Untied States.
Our vision is simple; we strive to promote the Japanese Spitz in the US by producing quality dogs, using bloodlines free of problems to the best of our knowledge, breeding to the standard, and importing new lines so that we can continue to strive to produce healthy, happy, wonderful dogs.
This website provides you a listing of reputable, loving breeders within the US and our friends around the world.
Our club is striving to get AKC recognition for the breed. The Japanese Spitz are currently able to be registered with the United Kennel Club (UKC), the American Rare Breeds Association (ARBA) and the Continental Kennel Club (CKC) here in the US. Of which we can exhibit this wonderful breed in the UKC and ARBA shows to become Champions.
Want to become a member? Click here for membership form.
Club Officers...
President: Donna Stotts Email: konalaejs@yahoo.com
Treasurer/Rescue Cordinator: Irenne Burton Email: mooki707@yahoo.com
Yoda (Advisor): Katrina Sandell Email: kiraleeajs@yahoo.com
Please check out the links to the breeders in the US and feel free to contact any of us, we are more than happy to talk about the dogs we love so much. The members of our breed club uphold the highest of ethical standards for the benefit of the breed in the United States.

PLEASE be wary of anyone who states they are a breeder who is NOT a member of the Club, there is probably a reason. The Club holds strict and high standards for breeding ethics, if they don't adhere to that, they are removed or not allowed to join.
Please Note: If you would like to see your kennel listed above, please contact us.